Regulation of newly evolved enzymes. II. The ebg repressor


Gall, BG, and DL Hartl. 1975. “Regulation of newly evolved enzymes. II. The ebg repressor.” Genetics 81: 427-35.

Date Published:



The ebg (evolved beta-galactosidase) regulatory locus has been mapped. The map order is argG-ebgA-ebgR-tolC-metC, and there is 1.6% recombination between ebgR and ebgA. Studies with ebgR-/ebgR+ merdiploids have shown that ebgR- is recessive, and it is concluded that the synthesis of ebg enzyme is under negative control.


Gall, B GHartl, D LengResearch Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.1975/11/01Genetics. 1975 Nov;81(3):427-35.

Last updated on 05/20/2015